DDD Centre for Recovery

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Why #morethanmybody is Important - Recap from Love Your Body Week

You would've noticed on my  instagram page the recurring hashtag, #morethanmybody, throughout last week's Love Your Body Week (3-9 September) 2018.  
 Love Your Body Week is an initiative to promote good body image and raise awareness of eating disorders. So, isn't that a good thing and why use the extra #morethanmybody hashtag then? Because,  You have and are so much more than just your physical body. And that matters A LOT. You will have "good" days and "meh" days when it comes to how you feel, see and think about your body.That's a very normal, human thing.Our thoughts and feelings are fluid. And so is our body image. 'Body image' isn't a single destination where we aim for being positive all the time. It's about accepting and allowing the high's and low's.To be able to sit in the uncomfortable low's, you will need to know of all the other characteristics and qualities of yourself that make up You. Think about your creativity, artistry, character, skills, knowledge, humour, kindness, compassion, connection, musicality, attention to detail, hobbies, communicability, friendliness, strength, power, intelligence, bravery ...the list goes on. You are a  dancer, a performing artist, not a dancing body that moves without expression nor emotion. So that is why I want to promote the other important message, that you are more than your body and what you hold on the inside matters. Fumi x