Dance Nutrition Essentials
Did you Know?
One of the top 5 factors that prevent injuries in dancers is NUTRITION.
Yet dancers are struggling to fuel...
1 in 2 dancers are in a state of low energy availability. That means they are not adapting to training; not performing at their best; and more prone to career-threatening injuries.
3 in 4 dancers are feeling the pressure to lose weight.
1 in 3 teenage dancers are engaged in disordered eating behaviours.
1 in 6 dancers experience eating disorders, which is an illness that has the highest mortality rate of all mental health disorders. Sadly, many dancers cease their dream and career because of this.
All of this can change.
We can each take a role in creating a safer and more productive space for dancers to truly nourish their mind and body to reach their optimum performance capacity.
That’s why we have created this Dance Nutrition Essentials course - to help dancers, their teachers, families, and healthcare professionals, to feel more confident, equipped, and skilled, in supporting the health and wellbeing of dancers.
Lesson 1: Dance Nutrition Principles
In this lesson you will learn the key Dance Nutrition Principles, which are the founding blocks of building a healthy mind and body.
In this lesson you will learn the key Dance Nutrition Principles, which are the founding blocks of building a healthy mind and body.
In this lesson you will learn about the optimal fuelling practices for dancers.
Lesson 3: Underfuelling and RED-S
In this lesson you will learn about the dancers of underfuelling in dancers, RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sports), and how to prevent it.
In this lesson you will learn about the dancers of underfuelling in dancers, RED-S (relative energy deficiency in sports), and how to prevent it.
Lesson 4: Body Image
In this lesson you will learn about body image and how this relates to dancers’ eating practices and overall health and wellbeing.
In this lesson you will learn about body image and how this relates to dancers’ eating practices and overall health and wellbeing.
Lesson 5: Eating Disorders
In this lesson you will learn about the often-not-spoken-about topics of eating disorders, disordered eating, and dieting in dancers, including risks, signs and symptoms, prevention, and how to support treatment and recovery.
In this lesson you will learn about the often-not-spoken-about topics of eating disorders, disordered eating, and dieting in dancers, including risks, signs and symptoms, prevention, and how to support treatment and recovery.
Questions and Feedback
If you have any questions please feel free to send them through this page.
We also greatly appreciate any feedback so that we can continue to improve our services to best suit your needs!
If you have any questions please feel free to send them through this page.
We also greatly appreciate any feedback so that we can continue to improve our services to best suit your needs!
Download your certificate of completion here.