To refer your clients to us for Nutrition Counselling and Dietetic Care

We have gathered information for you to make it easier to refer your clients to us on Eating Disorders Treatment Plan.

Please note that we also accept clients without referrals and care plans.


Eating Disorders Treatment and Management plan

Please follow the steps here on Services Australia for information on who is eligible, and how to create the plan.

On this plan, your client can receive up to 20 dietitians appointments in the 12-month period.

A factsheet on the changes to Relevant MBS Telehealth Services (as of 1 July 2021) can be downloaded from here.


Client Books an Appointment with our Dietitian

Clients can make a booking online via the link here or by calling (0430 391 951) or emailing ( us.

If you are looking for a psychologist, we can also recommend experienced clinicians in the area to set up multidisciplinary team care.


Multidisciplinary Teamwork

Recovery from eating disorders require multidisciplinary teamwork. Under the Eating Disorders Management Plan, we are required to write a report to you for the first and last session. If your client consent to us giving regular updates to you and other team members, we will keep you updated with their progress throughout.