Dance Nutrition 101 - Breakfast can help you dance better

DN101 - breakfast can help you dance better Of all the things said about food and nutrition, having breakfast well before your morning class can truly help you dance better.It doesn't have to be a fancy green smoothie (sure can if you like that!)A classic PB&J sandwich, or oats/cereal with milk, can do its job. Some things that my dance and performing arts client have in the morning include...

  • Toast with PB and jam
  • Toast with eggs (sunny-side up, scrambled, boiled)
  • Baked beans on toast
  • Oats-based cereal with milk (dairy, soy)
  • Granola with yoghurt
  • Yoghurt with chopped fruits and sprinkle of nuts
  • Homemade muffin and a glass of milk

 What's your breakfast today? Fumi x

Fumi Somehara

Fumi is the Founder and Principal Dietitian of DDD Centre for Recovery. Her expertise is in Dance Nutrition and Eating Disorders Treatment. She is passionate about supporting individuals to nurture respectful and compassionate relationships with their food and body.

Come As You Are - Eating Disorder Awareness Week 2019


Dance Nutrition 101 - Have some snacks ready in your bag