Thank You 2018, Hello 2019!

In a few more hours 2018 is going to go and 2019 will show its face. What a fulfilling year it has been! 

  • DDD turned ONE


  • I travelled to two international countries; Japan to run a Dance Nutrition Seminar and education for doctors and dietitians regarding eating disorder treatment; and America to attend AED's International Conference for Eating Disorders.


  • DDD's article was featured in Dance Magazine.


  • I ran a professional webinar for dietitians with the CEO of Recovery Record.


  • I met numerous AMAZING people both personally and professionally, which makes me look forward to my day

 2018, with all the goodness you brought, I'm a little sad to see you go.But I'm equally if not more excited to see what 2019 holds for us.  On the last day of the year (which is today!) it's my tradition to pull out my diary and write this down: What values do I want to nurture next year? I like to write down my core values and think about the ways in which I can nurture them throughout the year. Sometimes I change my mind mid-year and that's okay. This is the little me-time I hold for myself during this busy time of the year.  Thank you for supporting Dancers Don't Diet in 2018.I look forward to giving you even more goodness in 2019! new-years-eve-1953253_1280Fumi x

Fumi Somehara

Fumi is the Founder and Principal Dietitian of DDD Centre for Recovery. Her expertise is in Dance Nutrition and Eating Disorders Treatment. She is passionate about supporting individuals to nurture respectful and compassionate relationships with their food and body.

Dance Nutrition 101 - Nourish towards injury-free


Dance Nutrition 101 - This holiday, enjoy a big dose of Vitamin C